Coronavirus is searching and targeting for Humans only in all over the world - Stay at home

Coronavirus is searching and targeting for Humans only in all over the world - Stay at home

No country boundaries, No religion, No language and No cast can stop coronavirus, only we can break the chain of spreading so stay at home.

Virus is not differentiating poor or rich, famous or non famous, kings or baggers - Stay at home

In India daily need street sellers are our hero in these pandemic - Stay at home

In India 43 coronavirus patient recovered, it is good news - Stay at home

Only lock down is not a solution for coronavirus – WHO

Lock down is very critical situation for Indian daily workers.

Indian PM request to Indian, fight coronavirus with humanity.

In India, all doctors and nurses, insurance cover up to 50 lacs.

In India all women's, JAN DHAN account get Rs 500 for next three months.

Indian government announced 1.70 lacs crores for helping package for coronavirus pandemic.

It is still becoming a challenge to stop gathering of people's. They are not understanding the situation and their irresponsible behavior may hit the humanity very hard by coronavirus.

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