Doctors, Nurses, Hospital staff's and policeman's are Angel for Us against coronavirus, save them - Stay at home

To whom we have to salute in the contribution of fighting against covid-19

Doctors, Nurses, Hospital staff's and policeman's are Angel for Us to fight against these coronavirus pandemic, save them - Stay at home

Indian policeman's performing duties very well manner and they are helping people as they can. We salute the Indian Police.

Doctors, Nurses and hospital staff's leave there home for treatment of coronavirus patients and we have to take care of them to stay at home and break the chain of spreading.

This is time that WHO should find the some suitable solution. Only giving the advise is not sufficient. WHO exist for given disease solution, if not they should find immediately.

Indian people's show some patient to reach help from them.

Indian news channel also send message for maintaining peace to Indian people's. We are 130 crores, to reach the help by government take some time and we need to understand the situation.

Coronavirus have new epicenter - US, ITALY, SPAIN, IRAN AND BRITAIN

Indian government planning to buying 40000 new ventilator for fighting against the coronavirus.
In India, death rate due coronavirus is 2% of total cases, we need the pray for reducing the coronavirus patients - STAY AT HOME and STAY AT HOME ONLY.

We didn't any public sanitizations activities in India.

US has highest coronavirus infected patients and US is suffering to height against the coronavirus. In over all the world more than 5 lacs people are infected. If US developed country not able to fight against the coronavirus. So it is very high challenge for us to against fight the coronavirus. We have to stay separated from social societies.

Indian actor Mr. Akshay Kumar donate 25 crores INR to PM care fund account. This is the men, who always stand whenever the India requires. Hats off for Akshay Kumar.  


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