Lock Down is only hope to fight against coronavirus - Stay at Home

In India lock down extent up to 3rd May 2020 and total days of lockdown is now 40

Some of the highlights of Indian PM message while addressing the people’s of India.
Sticking with his “saving lives comes first”, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday announced an extension of the countrywide lockdown against the coronavirus pandemic until May 3, saying that the “stay-at-home”

The exemptions being finalized are being crafted with an eye on the poor. Those who earn daily, make ends meet with daily income, they are my family. One of my top-most priorities is to reduce the difficulties in their lives.

Drawing comparisons with others in such situations is not right. Yet, facts cannot be denied and it is true that as compared to many resourceful countries, India has been able to manage the situation well. A month, month and a half ago, several countries which were at par with India vis-a-vis corona infections have since recorded 20-25 times more infections than us. There have been thousands of deaths in these countries. One shudders to think what would have been the situation if India had not adopted a holistic and integrated approach, taking quick and decisive action.

End of above highlights

A pandemic literally means a disease that stalks all people, but it has visibly unequal effects. The virus exploits our bodily and social vulnerabilities. It reveals our structures of division and our levels of social trust.

The response to Covid-19 prompts a basic question – how do we imagine other people? Are they a problem to be managed with threats and watchful squads, a herd to be corralled, are they “human bombs” of infection? That justifies an authoritarian vision – where states surveille people without their consent, beat them back on the streets without hearing them out, hose tired migrant workers with bleach, suppress information. The aim there is to efficiently control potential mayhem.

A more democratic way is to inform and involve people, respect their intelligence and harness their abilities. We are not mindless “Covidiots” or “go-Corona-go” cheerleaders, we are people with a stake in our own wellbeing. Nobody wants to wilfully endanger others. Listening to the actual constraints faced by various groups is the best way for administrations to ally with them – provide food and supplies, make room for patients, provide hand washing facilities or whatever is necessary.

The government plans to ramp up testing capacity to 40,000 tests per day by the end of April, say high-level sources. As of Tuesday, ICMR said at the daily briefing, that 21,000 tests are being conducted per day. The government has empowered 14 top medical institutions across the country to create, run and monitor laboratories in their regions, thereby decentralising the decision making power from one institute, ICMR.

The government has empowered 14 top medical institutions across the country to create, run and monitor laboratories in their regions, thereby decentralising the decision making power from one institute, ICMR. The Government of India has developed a ‘Handbook for COVID-19 testing in Research Institutions’ which allows a lab to self-assess preparedness, in terms of equipment, staff, and expertise.” This protocol will be followed by the institutions.



“Being alone for long periods of time inevitably leads to boredom and moodiness,” In this situation stay calm and doing only favorite activity. Listening music in lower volume is good option and also remove your back logs of pending movies by watching them.

We are humans and mush social. In lockdown sociality is gone and we are filling alone. These lockdown is tough time and be patient is good sign of humanity.  

That feeling is come many ways like somebody post group photo in social media. so we can post our old photo with group to compensate anxiety. These will give you fun.

“Eat healthy meals at normal times. If you get bored, or feel snacky in the middle, distract yourself,”

“Give cleanliness and self-hygiene utmost priority because that keeps you going through the toughest days. Keep your spaces clutter-free and organized, because it almost makes you feel better if all the things in home is well organized.

“Call your loved ones twice a day,” says and try to reach out to people online, and get used to video chats and find new ways of connecting with people like group games, which can play online so we feel connected throughout the day. This will create life long memorable moment.

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