How the coronavirus attaches itself to surfaces


How the coronavirus spike protein attaches itself to surfaces

The main route of transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus of the novel that created Covid-19, is said to travel through airborne droplets. But respiratory viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted not only through air but also through contact with contaminants. It is widely known that coronaviruses are transmitted mainly through the air. However, much research has now identified the transfer of polluted areas as a priority. There is growing evidence that they can play a significant role in the spread of infectious diseases.

And the most outspoken point in the envelope is the oral protein, the coronavirus's key tool in infecting human cells. Researchers say that viral advertising in non-living areas is likely to include spike proteins. “Understanding S1 spike protein interactions with fomite sites must be a milestone milestone in the fight against the spread of Covid-19. To test the marketing of viral particles in inanimate objects, the study used a high-speed microscopy microscopy.

The test sites were combined with electrolytes containing the proteins of the researchers who had isolated them from the virus. To understand how coughs, bacterial infections can interact with these areas when they arrive, researchers adjust the concentration of salt and the pH values ​​of electrolytes to match those of saliva or mucus.

The announcement of protein in the areas from which it originates occurs in these cases and is intended to mimic the process of coughing, germs full of bacteria reaching the areas. It has been found that in oxide environments, the release of spike proteins is controlled by electrostatic interactions. Among other things, this leads to spike adsorbing proteins slightly stronger in aluminium oxide than titanium oxide ... However, electrostatic interactions can be easily suppressed, for example in saline solutions. We think that this interaction between the earth and the spike protein also plays a major role in the initial adhesion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus particles altogether. ”

Coronavirus spike protein imaged in its natural state

Coronavirus installs SARSCoV-2, which creates Covid-19, derives their name from the "corona" or crown crown made of protein "spikes" on their face. These protein spike binds human proteins to initiate the process of infection. These spikes were widely studied during the epidemic.

Now, scientists have developed detailed images of those spikes in their natural state — while still attached to the virus, and without the use of chemical agents that can interfere with their formation. Their method, which includes cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo EM) and computer, was described in the study.

Researchers say that this approach should generate quick and effective summaries of infection tools for various types of coronavirus — an important step in developing antiretroviral drugs and vaccines. “The advantage of doing this is that if you clean the spike protein and read it on your own, you lose an important biological context: What do you look like in an unchanging part of the virus? There may be a different structure there, ”said the lead author.

A team of researchers looked at a mild form of coronavirus called NL63, which causes common cold symptoms and treats about 10% of human respiratory infections each year. It is thought to attach to similar receptors in human cell sites such as SARS-CoV-2does. The team also identified areas where sugar molecules adhere to spike protein, a process that plays a key role in the virus's life cycle and immune system.

Seasonal UV radiation and global Covid trends

The novel coronavirus has seen all seasons in both hemispheres, but the effect of certain seasonal factors such as temperature and humidity remains unclear. New research has now looked at the influence of other seasonal variables - ultraviolet radiation from the Sun - and found evidence that high levels of natural UV radiation reduce Covid-19 transmission.

Investigators stress that annual changes in UV are one of the many causes of changes in Covid-19 case levels. Also the influence of UV is modest when compared with policy measures such as travel restrictions, school closures, or event cancellations. "On average across the northern hemisphere, we find that preliminary estimates of the effect of these public expulsion policies are 3-6 times larger than our estimated effects of annual changes in UV.

Because other studies have looked at how UV artificial light can activate coronavirus, it is also important to note that this is not the same as the effect of UV rays. The UV disinfectants used today depend on the wavelength of the wave in a range called UVC. The energy from such waves does not reach us naturally from the Sun, as they absorb the ozone layer. In the case of sunlight reaching Earth, the wavelengths are at a level known as UV-A (and at some point UV-B).

Analysts model The study has avoided comparing Covid-19 styles in different areas because this approach will bring shocking results. “For example, comparing Covid-19 cases in India with Norwegian cases and showing significant differences in UV exposure would be wrong — there are many differences between India and Norway, including overcrowding, health services, testing rates, etc. , and UV is just one of many things that are different in these lands.

Instead, the study compared different individuals over time, and examined that daily exposure to UV radiation leads to changes in Covid-19 cases for up to three weeks in the future. Variation rate The change in UV exposure to 1 standard deviation, analysis was found, reducing the growth rate of new cases by a percentage around one point over the next two weeks. The 1 percent point change, by default, is roughly equivalent to UV conversion between April and May in Delhi. In terms of changes in UV, the model predicted growth rates for Covid-19 in the cooler northern and southern temperate regions.

Between January and June, Covid-19 growth rates will increase by 7.3 percent in the southern hemisphere and 7.4 percent in the northern hemisphere. And as the season shifts, growth rates in December compared to July were predicted to fall 7.7 percent in the warmer southern regions, and then to drop by 7.8 percent in the northern regions. Carleton noted, however, that UV time looks different in India than in other parts of the north of the country due to the South Asian hurricane. Storm setting reduces summer UV, which may increase the risk of transmitting Covid-19 in relation to other seasons and in relation to other regions in the north of the country, where summer is usually the highest UV season.

Cause or reunion? Indeed, infection rates appear to have declined in much of the northern hemisphere during the summer, researchers noted, but they noticed that many parts of the northern region also relaxed their epidemic limits at the same time. Asked if exposure to UV can be called causal. In the paper, we use a mathematical model specifically designed to differentiate natural variations in 'quasi-random' UV exposure, so that we feel confident in interpreting the effect of UV on COVID-19 growth rates. "

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