What is Plasma therapy

What is Plasma therapy

Plasma therapy uses antibodies found in the blood of people who have recovered from infection (or convalesced) to treat infected patients. In this treatment, blood is taken from a person who has recovered from the disease, and the serum is separated to be tested for antibodies.

Plasma therapy Challenge in coronavirus (covid-19) : Getting donors to come forward

A month after the Delhi government got permission to start convalescent plasma therapy trials on Covid19 patients, finding donors to come forward was still a challenge. According to sources, more than 440 people have been contacted by the Delhi government to donate plasma, of which 15 have agreed. About 7,264 people have returned / moved / been discharged from hospitals since May 27.

In Delhi, seven institutions - All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS); MaulanaAzad Medical College (MAMC) in partnership with the Institute of Liver and Biliary Science (ILBS); Indraprastha Apollo Hospital; Batra Hospital; Lou Hardinge Medical College; Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital (RML); and Max Hospital Saket - allowed to participate in trials, and tried hard to encourage patients who had already failed to donate plasma.

The Delhi government hospital at Lok Nayak has completed the first phase of clinical trial in 20 Covid-19 patients. Those who were cured and released from hospital were counseled by experts and, if they agreed, were transferred to ILBS by donating plasma.

When the plasma is donated, it is sent to Lok Nayak for distribution to patients. "There are awareness information on the people. We advise the hospital in Matthe while it was a waste, many agree to donate their plasma. But when they get home, after consulting with family members, their decision changes. There is still violence among the people about treatment. hospitals, "says a senior doctor.

The right plasma donor is, in principle, a healthy person in the age group of 18-60 years without co morbidities of the resources, out of 440 people contacted, most were not eligible for donations due to their age or health conditions, and some declined to donate for various reasons.

Many plasma donors have conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and are not eligible to donate. Those over the age of 50 have many diseases and cannot donate plasma. Many still suffer from post-traumatic illness and are not comfortable. patients are not eligible to become donors, ”said a senior official from the health department.

The most patients with mild and moderate symptoms are admitted, there have been four and five plasma donations. Hospitals urge people to donate plasma but not many are coming forward in this case. At Max Hospital, Saket had used the herb in two patients in April. While one died, the other showed better. The union's Department of Health and Welfare says that treatment is not allowed for treatment and is one of the many methods tested.

Older men worry less about Covid-19 than others

Data on Covid-19 has so far revealed that men are more vulnerable than women, and the elderly are more vulnerable than the young. Now, research has found that older men are less worried about Covid-19 than women of their own age or younger men and women, and as a result can run a greater contract risk on get.

This concern given that older men are at higher risk, according to a study by researchers at Georgia State University, and published in The Magaznals of Gerontology. In general, anxiety begins to weaken for years, and is much lower among men than women. "Not only are negative adult sexual feelings not their daily lives, they also indicate anxiety and a few signs of PTSD following natural disasters and terrorists.

Knowing that older adults tend to worry less. Investigators administered online questionnaires to assess Covid-19 understanding and behavioral changes. The catch was older men, compared to all other participants, older men were less sensitive to Covid-19, and had received a much smaller amount of behavioral changes. They had barely worn a mask, to report that they had stopped touching their faces as a further purchase.

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