Who gets vaccine and how in India


Who gets vaccine and how in India

The Health Ministry has communicated a fact sheet about the two Covid-19 vaccines rolling out in India. Here’s all you need to know about exceptions, precautions and possible adverse events.

The Union Health Ministry has sent to all states and immunisation officers, a comprehensive fact sheet for both vaccines— Covaxin and Covishield—that will be used during the initial phase of vaccinating a priority group of 3 crores people.

Which vaccine is given in India for Covid ?

How many vaccines are there for Covid in India ?

The communication comes on the directions of the national drug regulator CDSCO, which, while granting accelerated approvals, had directed manufacturers Serum Institute of India (Covishield) and Bharat Biotech (Covaxin) that the vaccines should be supplied along with the fact sheet and a separate leaflet for the guidance of the health care provider.

What are the general guidelines for Covid vaccine.?

Who can take the Covid vaccine. ?

The vaccination is only for people over the age of 18 years.

The vaccines are not interchangeable: the second dose will have to be of the same vaccine that was administered as the first dose.

The vaccine should be given with“ caution” to persons with a history of any bleeding or coagulation disorder — platelet disorder, clotting factor deficiency, or coagulopathy.

In which temperature Covid vaccine is stored. ?

Vaccinators have to store both vaccines at +2°C to +8°C ; protect them from light; and discard the vaccine if found to be frozen (Frozen vaccine can't be use for vaccination) .

What are the specific guidelines on contraindications?

Contraindications meaning that specific treatment should not be used on the person, because it will harmful for the person.

The vaccine cannot be administered to people who belong to any of three categories:

Persons with a history of an allergic reaction to a previous dose of a Covid-19 vaccine (this would mean those who have taken a dose in a country where vaccination has already started);

People who show an immediate or delayed on set of an allergic reaction to vaccines or injectable therapies, pharmaceutical products and food items.

Can pregnant women get Covid vaccine ?

Pregnant and lactating women (women who recently birth a child and continuo feeding to baby child). Since they have not been part of any clinical trial so far, women who are “pregnant or not sure of their pregnancy” and “lactating women” should not receive the vaccine at this time. The fact sheet also deals with temporary contraindications.

What are these temporary contraindications?

For certain circumstances under the category of temporary contraindications, vaccination is to be delayed for four- to eight weeks after recovery. This covers three categories:

 1.  Persons showing active symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection

 2. Covid-19 patients who have been given anti-SARS-Cov-2 monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma

 3. Acutely unwell and hospitalised patients (with or without intensive care) due to any illness.

What health conditions are not contraindicated, meaning the vaccines can be given regardless?

Can HIV positive person get Covid vaccine. ?

Can cardiac patients get Covid vaccine. ?

   1. Persons with a past history of Covid-19 infection can be administered with vaccine.

  2. Persons with a history of chronic diseases and co morbidities—cardiac, neurological, pulmonary, metabolic, and malignancies — are also included.

  3. Persons with immunodeficiency or HIV, and patients on immune suppression due to “any condition” can be administered with the Covid-19 vaccine. The fact sheet states, however, that the response to the Covid-19 vaccine“ may be less in these individuals”.


Is there any side effects of Covid 19 vaccine?

What are the side effects of Covid vaccine ?

What are the possible adverse reactions mentioned?

Coronavirus vaccine side effect?

These are dealt with separately for either vaccine.

MILD ADVERSE EEFECTS (EVENTS): For Covishield, the trial data says a few mild adverse events can happen following immunisation—injection site tenderness; injection site pain; headache; fatigue; myalgia (deep muscle pain); malaise (a feeling of overall discomfort); pyrexia(an abnormal elevation of body temperature), chills, arthralgia (pain in the joint); and nausea. In such cases, the fact sheets says the common pain killer paracetamol may be used “to provide symptomatic relief from post vaccination adverse reaction or consult to the doctor's or follow government guidelines.

RARE ADVERSE EFFECT (EVENTS) : The nerves in the body are covered with a protective layer called myelin—like a network of electric wires that helps transmit messages from the brain smoothly through the body. Conditions that damage myelin are called demyelinating disorders. The fact sheet says“ very rare events of demyelinating disorders” have been reported following vaccination with Covishield,“ without the causal relationship establishment”. It adds that Covishield should be given with“ caution” to individuals with thrombocytopenia, a medical condition characterised by abnormally low levels of platelets.


What are the common side effect of Covishield and Covaxin?

What about common adverse effects of Covishield and Covaxin ?

MILD ADVERSE effects: Among mild adverse events following immunisation, the fact sheet includes: injection site pain; headache; fatigue, fever , body ache, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, dizziness-giddiness, tremor, sweating,  cold, cough, and injection site swelling.


When will the vaccine be available to the general public?

Should I get the Covid vaccine?

After three crores health worker getting the Covid vaccine, the vaccine will be given to elders between the age group of 50  to 60 year as per the government guidelines. If vaccine result good all over the India so it will be available for general public use and maybe we get private.


Do vaccines prevent infection or symptoms?

Vaccine is definitely prevent the infection or symptoms because it is made for coronavirus prevention. As per government guidelines vaccine can taken those who already suffer with the coronavirus infection or have any symptoms of coronavirus.


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