Which medicine reduce the death risk in Covid patients


Tocilizumab reduce death risk in severity ill Covid patients

A PHASE 2 trial in India has found tocilizumab improves outcomes in severely ill Covid-19 patients, reviving the debate over the anti-inflammatory drug that is used primarily to treat rheumatoid arthritis. The study conducted by researchers  from the University of Bristol. While suggesting that tocilizumab may help severely ill patients, the authors also noted that the study does not support the routine use of tocilizumab in adults with Covid-19

The debate

On the one hand, the study adds to existing evidence about the drug's utility in treatment of Covid-19. For instance, in January 7, researchers published on a pre-print server the results of a REMAP-CAP trial, which assessed 803 Covid-19 patients in ICU (353 given tocilizumab and 402 given standard treatment).While 64.2% ICU patients survived in the control arm, 72%     survived when administered tocilizumab.

On the other hand, some studies have found tocilizumab less effective against Covid-19. The most crucial one came from tocilizumab manufacturer Roche in July 2020: it published phase 3 trial results that found tocilizumab did not meet the primary endpoint of clinical improvement or the secondary endpoint of reduction in mortality. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study on 243 patients that found tocilizumab was not effective in preventing death in moderately ill, hospitalised Covid 19 patients.


COVINTOC findings

Called COVINTOC (Covid India Tocilizumab), the phase 3 trial reported in The Lancet was conducted in 12 public and private hospitals across India. Of 180 adult patients, 89 patients received standard care, and 91 received standard care plus tocilizumab. Patients were followed up over a 28 day period.

Analysis of the data revealed a subset of patients with severe disease in whom tocilizumab might have a reduced risk for progression to death is treated with tocilizumab in addition to standard care.



Clinical parameters or biomarkers to reliably identify patients who might benefit from tocilizumab, and the optimal timing of treatment during Covid-19 progression, remain unknown, the University noted. The authors conclude that while the study does not support the routine use of tocilizumab in adults with Covid-19, it adds to the growing evidence suggesting it may help some severely ill patients.

Our study suggests tocilizumab might still EARCH be effective in patients with severe Covid-19 and so should be investigated further in future studies. It adds to existing evidence from the RECOVERY and REMAP-CAP studies which demonstrate that tocilizumab does have a significant impact on reducing mortality in those with Covid-19 requiring oxygen or being ventilated.


In new covid-19 vaccine, key protein is encased in measles vaccine

Researchers have developed a new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine using measles vaccine. The main gene is inserted into the measles vaccine and given into the body. Researchers have reported the results of several animal studies, the vaccine produces a strong immune response and prevents SARS-COV-2 infection and lung disease.

The University describes a vaccine as using specific captions for the coronavirus spike protein gene, and putting it in a positive place for a measles vaccine to increase the performance, or expression, of a protein-producing gene.

Although there are several vaccines already available on the market, researchers say the recipient may have potential test benefits - especially those related to safety, durability and a high profile of the measles vaccine efficacy.

"The measles vaccine has been used in children since the 1960s, and has a long history of safety in children and adults. We also know that the measles vaccine can produce long-term protection. great, because we currently do not know how long the protection will last for any vaccination frameworks.

As with all vaccines, the vaccine initiates the production of antibodies that recognize a new protein as externally, training the immune system to attack and reduce spike protein when SARS-CoV-2 enters the body.

The research team tested seven types of spike protein to find the most effective antigen. They get a stable type of protein - the structure of the protein before it infects the cell. Scientists inserted a prefusion spike protein gene that contains production instructions for the measles vaccine component to produce high protein expression, assuming that the more SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is produced, the better the immune response.

The team tested the vaccine on a variety of animals to measure its effectiveness. They found that the vaccine had created high levels of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in all animals.

Also, genetically engineered mice produce helper T cells in response to a vaccine. The formation of helper T cells induced by the vaccine is an important precautionary measure, and this vaccine mainly attracts Th1 cells, which improve the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

Hamsters of the Golden Syrian received a vaccine and were injected with coronavirus. Vaccinated hamsters are protected from lung infections and other symptoms of weight loss, said the release.


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