The side effects of meditation are positive and countless. Studies have shown that those who regularly meditate have reduced their risk of illness, stress, and the need for rest.


But one of the strongest reasons for meditation is that the process of meditation itself is high. Meditation does not depend on the outcome, but the act of meditation itself is pleasurable, to bring a person into a state of satisfaction and peace during the actual meditation training, not at the end of the training. In fact, because the methods are equivalent to the end, the training has no beginning and no end.


All of us in modern times face an ongoing onslaught of pressure. We are attacked by uninvited forces such as television, noise pollution, quarrels, and angry or jealous people. In order to withstand this great host of indifference and stress, we need a higher, more powerful force within us; and meditation connects us to this inner pool of purifying, enlightening energy.


In ancient times, nature surrounded people with their daily activities and traditions. There were no artificial vibrations made by telephone or machine; there were no pressures or diseases caused by the hardships of the urban industries. There was the sound of water, the roar of the wind, the beauty of the stars in the sky, and the smell of the earth.

There were natural tempos in all aspects of life, where people planted seeds, fed them and fed them, and as they saw the natural cycles they felt contact with them. These days we can live our whole lives without having direct contact with nature. We live in poorly controlled areas, collecting food in fast food restaurants or shops where it is put in a factory; we invite a complete separation based on our natural origins and our pace of life.


Meditation allows us a simple, easy, tangible way to get into those lost natural rhythms and beauty, by closing the world around us, releasing our bodies, and clearing your mind of all the pressures that come together knowingly or unknowingly during a lifetime.


Meditation is inexpensive, has no harmful side effects, and will not add calories or cholesterol to your body. And he is not addicted to drugs or alcohol. But it does give doctors a higher sense of well-being, often compared to “higher” powers that are far more powerful than those caused by drugs, and this part of meditation is something that can be fully embraced with positive, healthy benefits.

The human body is a complex organism, and in the brain the body naturally produces 100 times more potent drugs than narcotic drugs. As a person meditates, the body secretes secret hormones and chemicals that give instant gratification and happiness, and this is one of the worst effects of meditation practice.


Meditation is different for different people. Some use it instead of psychotherapy, or more. Some find it very important as a tool to improve athletic performance or performance, and to increase memory and other mental functions. Some people rely on it to help them cope with grief or the effects of trauma or tragedy, and they also find satisfaction and appreciation for the beauty of life. And there are those who use meditation as a creative tool to motivate them in the arts. Meditation gives us more energy and stability, sexual energy, and calmness, as it does, which in turn equips us with deep, well-rested sleep.


There are countless reasons for meditation, and one of the ways to make the world a better, more peaceful and harmonious place, is for all of us to dedicate some time to our stressful lives to stop and drink from the mental oasis of meditation practice.


Other great benefits for me have been my ability to get into my ‘source of inner peace’ whenever I need to, my communication, and spirit, achieving greater clarity and balance at the end of each session, and totally well-being. Meditation also gave me something else.


The meditation journey for me involved a great inner change as I entered the light. As long as that door is open to me, fine! There is no going back - always - something no one has ever told me.


Enlightenment, for me, is a strange thing, and it is a lot of things to a lot of people. As I entered this state of existence, I waited for the explosions to erupt, hearing the sound of trumpets and the voice of God (which I thought would be a kind of thunder and scattering of the earth!). I’m not sure what else I was expecting but what I found was a deep sense of peace. The door opened, I walked in the door, and how I saw life change forever. The clarity with which I saw things at that moment almost blinded me - but it was very gentle.


This would mean stopping me from doing normal things, such as doing housework, cooking, and cleaning. No - unfortunately that has continued and continues to this day. No, to me enlightenment meant that I simply knew things and accepted them; some may call this “Truth”.


I believe that Truth or enlightenment can fully know everything about all things at once without pointing to one thing alone.


Truth is like admitting anything, in a very real sense. Words are enough to describe the concept of. All I can say is that it is GREAT to describe in words but it is something I feel whenever I meditate, or walk around a place.


I am not protected from everyday problems but I am not affected to the same level as before either. I can say that while chaos reigns in me I can enter into my source of inner peace. It has helped me through so many trials and tribulations that I call life and thank my lucky stars for starting to do meditation when I do.


Of course this practice is open to anyone who is willing to invest time and practice (it took me five months to really go). Once you start this journey you will see how peaceful, focused and balanced you are.


I have often heard it said "I would like to meditate because of my levels of anxiety and stress, but I have no time at all…"


If you do not have time - many do not and sometimes I do not - but you would really like to start meditating because you believe there are benefits to doing so, consider this. Three minutes of passing conversation with a co-worker at the elevator door, three minutes of searching for a news agency magazine or newsstand, or three minutes of applauding a sales display outside your favourite store window. You could do a three-minute breathing meditation, write a three-minute journal, focus three minutes on something, or take a three-minute walk. And, look! As soon as you meditate and reach your source of inner peace!


Meditation can make a big difference to you, and it can achieve general well-being, peace, clarity and balance, and spiritual communication with you. There are six billion people on this planet so your knowledge will be different from mine.

If you have never tried it before why not try it sometime soon, just enjoy the benefits that come with it.


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